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Your relationship.

Counselling as a couple.

Issues and conflict arise when resolutions cannot be found or communication breaks down.  This might be due to infidelity, emotional distance or the stress daily life.  Or you may feel your relationship has simply come to a standstill.  

Issues and conflict arise when resolutions cannot be found or communication breaks down.  This might be due to specific difficulties such as infidelity, emotional distance or the stress of parenting, money or supporting one another through crisis or health related issues. Without support or intervention there is a high risk of destroying the relationship. 

Issues and conflict arise when resolutions cannot be found or communication breaks down.  This might be due to specific difficulties such as infidelity, emotional distance or the stress of parenting, money or supporting one another through crisis or health related issues. Without support or intervention there is a high risk of destroying the relationship. 

Signs of a relationship in need of support

Arguments and conflict 

Not connecting emotionally

Communication issues

Issues and conflict arise when resolutions cannot be found or communication breaks down.  This might be due to infidelity, emotional distance or the stress daily life.  Or you may feel your relationship has simply come to a standstill.

Without support or intervention there is a high risk of destroying the relationship. 

With couple / marriage counselling you and your partner, as a heterosexual couple or gay or lesbian couple, find the skills and understanding for a renewed sense of closeness for building a closer, more satisfying future together.

Relationship Therapists for Couples

Using the Gottman Method of relationship and marriage therapy

The Gottman Method is a world renowned approach to relationship and marriage therapy.
John Flanagan is one of only two Gottman Advanced Clinical Trainers in Australia.

Gottman Method Therapists are trained in the Gold Standard of Gottman Method of therapy; that is three levels of comprehensive training plus a 2 year certification period.


Many therapists apply the principles from the Gottman Method of couple therapy, however at Burleigh Heads Psychology and Relationship Clinic therapists are trained by the Gottman Method Institute.

Couple sitting at a table holding hands in couple counselling session
Gottman Therapy is evidence based with proven success stories for 100's of couples

Couple and Relationship Therapy

The Gottman Method

The gold standard in relationship therapy. 

The 'Gottman Method' is a world renowned, successfully proven approach to couple counselling providing the environment to work through a crisis or issues quickly and effectively.

Gottman Therapy is evidence based with proven success stories for 1000's of couples

Process orientated, cognitive and emotionally based to develop new skills and behaviours that foster a closer, more intimate relationship. 

Profile Picture of Therapist John Flanagan

John Flanagan

Certified Gottman Couples Therapist

Advanced Clinical Trainer and Consultant

Master of Gestalt Therapy

Accredited Mental Health Social Worker

Therapy Sessions:

2 Consecutive Day Marathon 

Weekly 2 Hour Sessions

2 consecutive days


2 hours weekly 

(for 6-12 weeks)*


You deserve to feel your best.

Tracy Wall

Gottman Level 3 trained

(in certification) 


Therapy Sessions:

Weekly 2 Hour Sessions

Two day relationship counselling with a Certified Gottman Therapist. Both days are 7.5 hours working through a pre-prepared personalised plan to rebuild your relationship, in a safe, calm, professional and private environment. 

Take home:

Your personalised plan, and a tool-kit, full of resources to assist you in continuing your journey as a couple.

Address unresolved issues, replace negative conflict patterns with positive interactions.  Return home after 2 consecutive days of therapy with a renewed sense of commitment, and closeness to build a closer, more satisfying and intimate relationship together.

Face to face counselling for immediate and sustainable results.

Gottman Couple Therapy: Marathon Programme

2 Consecutive Days

Marathon Programme

Intensive 2 Day Marathon Programme

Phase 3 : Relapse Prevention

Prior to the 2 days, a questionnaire is completed by each partner.  This gives the therapist an  an understanding of the individual, as a couple, and the challenges and concerns in the relationship.    

Phase 2 : Treatment

To commence your therapy, your interaction patterns, strengths and challenges will be shared with you both, and from there you collaboratively identify specific goals for your relationship.

Your concerns are addressed - your therapist will assist to avoid conflict, and orchestrate constructive conversation. 

During the process of addressing your concerns you will develop the skills necessary for averting future conflict and for a closer and more connected relationship.

Phase 1 : Assessment

A follow-up appointment is recommended, either in person or via ZOOM  (not included in the cost of the 2 consecutive days).

Couple connecting at 2 day couple therapy session


Face to face  or Live via ZOOM counselling for immediate and sustainable results.

Gottman Couple Therapy: Marathon Programme

2 Consecutive Days

Address unresolved issues, replace negative conflict patterns with positive interactions.  Return home after 2 consecutive days of therapy with a renewed sense of commitment, and closeness to build a closer, more satisfying and intimate relationship together.

Marathon Programme

Two day relationship counselling with a Certified Gottman Therapist. Both days are working through a pre-prepared personalised plan to rebuild your relationship, in a safe, calm, professional and private environment. 

Take home: Your personalised plan, and tool-kit full of resources to assist you in continuing your journey as a couple.  

For more information - please call

Kylie-Jo on 0420 434 628

John Flanagan - Certified Gottman Therapist & Advanced Clinical Trainer $6,500

Brhea Ind - Certified Gottman Therapist $5,500

Karen Holmes - Certified Gottman Therapist $5,500

$750 will secure your booking (refundable up to two weeks prior to your scheduled dates) ​

Travel and accommodation costs are additional and to be organised by yourself.  If you are travelling from interstate or overseas, we strongly recommend travel insurance, to cover any unforeseen cancellations eg either yourselves, the Therapist.​

Book an informal chat with Kylie Jo, Appointment Consultant

or call or email

07 5576 2633

Couple embracing after a weekly couple therapy sesson

Short-term counselling for immediate and sustainable results.

Gottman Couple Therapy :  2 Hour Weekly  Programme

Weekly Sessions

Rebuild your relationship and resolve ongoing disagreements in a safe, calm and private environment.  Come away understanding how to avoid conflict and the behaviours that create a respectful relationship. The commitment of 2 hours weekly provides the continuity to develop the skills to sustain a loving relationship long-term. 

Weekly: 2 hour sessions

number of weeks is dependent on the couple and the concerns​

Two hour weekly sessions with a trained Gottman Therapist. Meet your therapist as a couple, then individually - and then a feedback session. This assessment forms the basis of your treatment plan moving forward.  The following sessions are then attended together as a couple.   

Take home: Your personalised plan and tool-kit full of resources to assist you in continuing your journey as a couple.  


Fees are charged per session and vary according to Gottman Therapist.

If you have private health insurance you may be entitled to a rebate from your insurer.  


For more information, 

phone Kylie Jo on 0420 434 628


Book an informal chat with Kylie Jo, Appointment Consultant

or call or email

07 5576 2633

a couple relaxed holding hands walking toward a happy future togethe

For a happier healthier future. 


Fees are charged per session and vary according to Gottman Therapist. If you have private health insurance you may be entitled to a rebate from your insurer.  

Rebuild your relationship and resolve ongoing disagreements in a safe, calm and private environment.  You will both learn how to avoid conflict and the  behaviours that create a respectful relationship.

The weekly commitment provides the continuity to develop the skills to sustain a loving relationship long-term. 

Short-term counselling for immediate sustainable results.

Gottman Couple Therapy 

Weekly Programme

2 Hours Weekly


2 hours for 6-12 weeks

number of weeks is dependent on the couple and the concerns​

Two hour sessions with a Certified Gottman Therapist, weekly. 

Meet your therapist as a couple, then individually - this forms the basis of your treatment plan. The following sessions are

together as a couple.   

Take home:

Your personalised plan and tool-kit, full of resources to assist you in continuing your journey as a couple.  

Therapy can vary requiring more than 10 sessions, and be discussed if necessary.  The Gottman style of therapy is not meant as long-term or on going, the general time frame for couples therapy is 2 - 6 sessions onwards.

Phase 3 : Relapse prevention

Sessions are weekly (as a couple), to maintain continuity of therapy. 


1st session: Review your personalised treatment plan and 

 collaboratively identify specific goals for your relationship.

Phase 2: Treatment

6 Sessions Weekly

(2 hours per session either in person or via Zoom)

A part of the success the Gottman Therapy is the initial assessment to gain an understanding as a couple and as individuals. 


1st session: As a couple

2nd session: Split 1 hour each partner independently of the other

3rd and 4th sessions: As a couple

The time dedicated to this assessment stage gives your therapist the in-depth understanding of you as a couple; your strengths and interaction patterns, as individuals, and the challenges and issues that are of concern.  This information forms the crucial framework for your therapist to develop a personalised treatment plan.

2nd session: Begin working on the most problematic concerns. Your therapist will assist to avoid conflict and have constructive conversations. Remaining sessions: The focus is on addressing issues and on assisting both partners to develop better skills for understanding one another, avert conflict to obtain a closer and more connected relationship.

Phase 1: Assessment

4 Sessions in 7-10 Day Period

(2 hours per session)


2 Hour Weekly Counselling

What to Expect

Couple Therapy Ses

Relationship Counselling

What to Expect

The Gottman Method of therapy is designed to address specific issues and get your relationship back on track.

With the Gottman Method of marriage counselling-couple counselling you will develop a better understanding of each other, learn new behaviours and develop skills that foster a close, more intimate relationship.   


The first session is attended as a couple and is then followed by a session for each partner individually to identify concerns. You then attend the fourth session together as a couple - this is your feedback session. This forms the assessment stage and gives the therapist the opportunity to identify strengths and challenges within the relationship, forming the basis of the personalised treatment plan.  


After the assessment, therapy sessions are together as a couple. With the help of your therapist you will address the concerns raised and work towards relationship goals, while developing the crucial skills necessary to avert conflict. 

Choose between weekly or 2 consecutive days 

Weekly 2 hour sessions (*the number of weeks depends on the couple and the concerns), or a 2 consecutive day marathon, depending on preference. 

Couple at a table in marriage counselling session

2 consecutive days


2 hours weekly 


Phone +61 (0)7 5576 2633

Text      +61 (0)420 434 628

You deserve to feel your best.

If you are in a current emergency or crisis call 000.
If you are experiencing physical, psychological or emotional abuse call 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) or contact your GP.

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couple holding hands looking out to sea looking together and ready to start couple therapy

Issues and conflict arise when resolutions cannot be found or communication breaks down.  This might be due to infidelity, emotional distance or the stress daily life.  Or you may feel your relationship has simply come to a standstill.

Without support or intervention there is a high risk of destroying the relationship. 

With couple / marriage counselling you and your partner, as a heterosexual couple or gay or lesbian couple, find the skills and understanding for a renewed sense of closeness for building a closer, more satisfying future together.

Issues and conflict arise when resolutions cannot be found or communication breaks down.  This might be due to infidelity, emotional distance or the stresses of daily life.  Or you may feel your relationship has simply come to a standstill.

Issues and conflict arise when resolutions cannot be found or communication breaks down.  This might be due to infidelity, emotional distance or the stress of daily life.  Or you may feel your relationship has simply come to a standstill. 

Couple counselling gives you and your partner, as a heterosexual couple or gay couple, the opportunity to restore your relationship and build a closer, more satisfying future together.  

Brhea Ind

Certified Gottman Couples Therapist
Registered Psychologist

Therapy Sessions:

2 Consecutive Day Marathon 

Weekly 2 Hour Sessions

Profile Picture of Therapist Trish Purnell-Webb

Trish Purnell-Webb

Certified Gottman Couples Therapist

Advanced Clinical Trainer & Consultant

Clinical Psychologist

Therapy Sessions:

2 Consecutive Day Marathon

(online only)

Tracy Wall

Gottman Level 3 Trained

(in certification)


Therapy Sessions:

Weekly 2 Hour Sessions

Karen Holmes

Certified Gottman Couples Therapist


Therapy Sessions:

Weekly 2 Hour Sessions

Karen Holmes

Certified Gottman Couples Therapist


Therapy Sessions:

Weekly 2 Hour Sessions

Tracy Wall

Gottman Level 3 Trained

(in certification)


Therapy Sessions:

Weekly 2 Hour Sessions

Karen Holmes

Certified Gottman Couples Therapist


Therapy Sessions:

Weekly 2 Hour Sessions

Karen Holmes

Certified Gottman Couples Therapist


Therapy Sessions:

Weekly 2 Hour Sessions

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